
Dr. Beat R. Kurt

a leading authority in dental surgery

For more than 25 years I have worked hard to develop highly effective procedures for maximizing patient outcomes while simultaneously minimizing recovery periods.

In the process, I have transformed my practice into one of the most trusted dental offices in central Switzerland. I believe that every single one of my patients deserves the best possible results and oral comfort.

Core competencies
  • Referral Practice for Oral Surgery
  • Complex reconstructive dentistry
  • Synoptic dentistry
  • Implantology
  • Guided surgery
  • Soft issue management
  • Bone augmentation

Dental Implants

Dental implants are your line of defense against some medical conditions that can occur in the absence of teeth. Firmly embedded in the jawline, implants offer enhanced aesthetic, health benefits, and functionality.

  • Improved Wellbeing and Comfort

    Dental implants are a powerful tool for maintaining your oral health. And not only that! A precisely crafted implant also gives your self-esteem a welcome boost.

  • Enjoy a Perfect Fitting and Smile

    All our implants are a perfect match for the contours of your mouth and jawline. That makes eating and speaking much more pleasant and helps you to show off an appealing, natural smile.

  • Eat with Pleasure Again

    Properly fitted implants let you chew and eat normally again. That is great news if you need to replace dentures or missing teeth.

  • Peace of Mind for Years to Come

    Our perfectly fitted set of teeth will last a lifetime. They support your wellbeing and are the needed boost to your attractiveness and appealing smile.

Guided surgery

Computer-guided surgery has brought implant procedures to a new level of perfection. With increased insight and data available to us it is now possible to craft the ideal surgical template to guide the drilling.

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  • Improved Wellbeing and Comfort

    Dental implants are a powerful tool for maintaining your oral health. And not only that! A precisely crafted implant also gives your self-esteem a welcome boost.

  • Enjoy a Perfect Fitting and Smile

    All our implants are a perfect match for the contours of your mouth and jawline. That makes eating and speaking much more pleasant and helps you to show off an appealing, natural smile.

  • Eat with Pleasure Again

    Properly fitted implants let you chew and eat normally again. That is great news if you need to replace dentures or missing teeth.

  • Peace of Mind for Years to Come

    Our perfectly fitted set of teeth will last a lifetime. They support your wellbeing and are the needed boost to your attractiveness and appealing smile.



Thanks to a series of important technological advances, you receive an all-on-four bridge in only a couple of hours. We provide a perfectly matched bridge plus gum restoration following the all-on-fourTM procedure. A durable bridge will provide a lifetime of comfort and security.

The implants are planned precisely preoperatively in the software smop

The operation is done under local anesthesia in our dental clinic.

OPG directly after the surgery with the four implants and the immediate supraconstruction

Smile of the patient, one week after surgery with the fixed provisional dental reconstruction

The Pro Arch solution form Straumann is similar to the all-on-four conceptTM of Nobel Biocare

  • Exact Fittings Through Industry- Leading Technology

    Thanks to state-of-the-art imaging and scanning technology we can create the perfect set of dental implants for you. Expect nothing less than stunning results.

  • Enhance Your Self Esteem

    With the All-on-Four dental implant procedure, you radiate a natural charisma. If you are committed to make a convincing first impression, this is the ideal solution

  • Improve Your Dental Health

    The All-on-Four implant procedure significantly improves the general wellbeing of your teeth and gums. The All-on-Four is a worthwhile investment because you greatly reduce the possibility of unexpected oral health issues.

  • Showcase the Smile of a Lifetime

    The All-on-Four dental implant bridge is designed to last a lifetime. After you receive the All-on-Four bridge, you do not have to worry about your new teeth for a long time.

Each of the points above briefly describes the dental methods we rely on. Through a proactive and positive discussion with your dentist, you will learn what your potential options may be regarding dental surgery or even simple cleanings.

Our Partners

smop straumann Carestream Camlog

Dr. Beat R. Kurt Publications

  • Schablonengeführte Implantologie mit der Open-Access-Software smop

    Ein Fallbericht aus der Praxis; Swiss Dental Journal , Vol 124 , 3/2014 P2014D (click to open)

  • L'implantologie guidèè par gaberit avec le logiciel open access smop

    Une présentation de cas issu de la pratique; Swiss Dental Journal, Vol 3/2014 P2014F (click to open)

  • Richtungsweisende Hilfsmittel:

    Notice: Undefined index: text in /var/www/oralchirurgie.zahnarzt-luzern.dentist/index.php on line 490

    • Die implantatprothetische Versorgung eines atrophen Unterkieferseitenzahnbereichs im navigierten Vorgehen

      Die implantatprothetische Versorgung eines atrophen Unterkieferseitenzahnbereichs im navigierten Vorgehen

    • 1993 Dissertation mit dem Titel: Die Bedeutung der Orthopantomographie für die Zahnmedizin unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Zufallsbefunde und ihre Auswirkung auf die Behandlungsplanung. Klinik und Poliklinik für Oralchirurgie der Universität Bern, Leiter Dr. Dr. med. habil. H. Berthold, Dissleiter. Dr. Karl Dula
    • 1996 Die TIME-Technik: Lokale Osteoplastik zur Alveolarkammaugmentation – Auswertung und Ergebnisse der ersten 15 Fälle Th. von Arx, Nicolas Hardt, Beat Wallkamm, Beat R. Kurt; Implantologie 1996; 1: 33-48, Quintessenz Verlag P3
    • 1997 Wurzelspitzenresektion und retrograde Wurzelkanalfüllung, erste Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse mit einem neuen Instrumentarium für die retrograde Präparation Th. von Arx, Beat R. Kurt, Bernd Ilgenstein, Nicolas Hardt; Endodontie 1997; 1: 27-40, Quintessenz Verlag
    • 1997 Treatment of severe periimplant bone loss using autogenous bone and a resorbable membrane Th. Von Arx, Beat R. Kurt, N. Hardt; Clin Oral Impl Res 1997; 8: 517-526, Munksgaard P5
    • 1998 Wurzelspitzenresektion und retrograde Wurzelkanalfüllung, Einjahresresultate mit einem neuen Instrumentarium für die retrograde Präparation Th. von Arx, Beat R. Kurt, Nicolas Hardt; Endodontie 1998; 2: 115-124, Quintessenz Verlag
    • 1998 Implantatinsertion mit simultaner Knochenaugmentation, Regeneration periimplantärer Knochendefekte mit autogenem Knochen unter Verwendung eines Mikrotitangitters Th. von Arx, Beat R. Kurt, Nicolas Hardt; Schweiz. Monatszeitschrift, Vol. 108 2/1998
    • 1998 Preliminary results and analysis of a new set of sonic instruments for rootend cavity preparation Th. von Arx, Beat. R. Kurt, Bernd Ilgenstein, Nicolas Hardt; International ,Endodontic Journal, Vol 31, Nr.1, January 1998 P8
    • 1998 Implant placement and simultaneous peri-implant bone grafting using a micro titanium mesh for graft stabilization Th. von Arx, Beat R. Kurt; Int. journal of periodontics and restorative dentistry, Vol. 18, Nr. 2, 1998 P9
    • 1998 Erfahrungen mit KaVo SONICretro bei der retrograden Wurzelkanalaufbereitung Beat R. Kurt; ZMK, Jahrgang 14, Nr. 9, 1998
    • 1999 Die enorale Knochenentnahme zur Autotransplantation, eine klinische Vergleichstudie der Entnahmestellen im Kinnbereich und in der Retromolar-Region Th. von Arx, Beat R. Kurt; Schw. Monatszeitschrift, Vol. 108, 5/1998
    • 1999 Root-end cavity preparation after apicoectomie using a new type of sonic and diamond-surfaced retrotip: a 1 year follow-up study Th.von Arx, Beat R. Kurt; J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 57: 656-661, 1999
    • "Richtungsweisendes Hilfsmittel. Die implantatprothetische Versorgung eines atrophierten Unterkieferseitenzahnbereichs im navigierten Vorgehen"

Dr. Beat R. Kurt CV

Spezialist SSO für Oralchirurgie

  • C Matur in Solothurn 1984
  • Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Uni Bern mit Abschluss 1990
  • Dissertation an der Klinik für Oralchirurgie Bern, Doktorwürde 1993
  • Zahnarzt in der Praxis Dr. Jorg Schweizer, Luzern, 1991- 1994
  • Zahnarzt an der Klinik für Mund- Kiefer- Gesichtschirurgie am Kantonsspital Luzern, Leitung Prof. Dr. Dr. Nicolas Hardt, 1994 - 1997
  • Praxisgemeinschaft mit Dr. René Comps 1997/98
  • Eigene Praxis seit 1999
  • Fachzahnarzt in Oralchirurgie SSO 2001
  • WBA in oraler Implantologie 2011
  • Seit 2008 Praxisgemeinschaft mit Dr. Eva-Maria Baumgartner